About our Work | Teacher Training

Teacher Training

Teacher quality is key to providing excellence in Christian education. Core to New Hope International’s ministry is the development and provision of excellent Christian teacher professional learning, primarily through the Effective Teaching and Learning Series (ETLS). ETLS is Bible-based training that builds teachers’ capacity to teach from a Christian worldview, building a Christian shalom community, and taking seriously Christ’s mandate to ‘make disciples’.

Many Christian teachers in developing countries are thrust into classrooms with inadequate preparation. They inevitably rely on their own school experience to determine how to teach. They are uncertain as to how to teach from a Christian perspective in content and practice. The transformational nature of ETLS training is evidenced by the testimonials of participants, below.

Ester Winarti, SMA Kristen Anak Panah, Nabire, Papua, Indonesia

“The concept of Shalom is central to NHI’s Effective Teaching and learning (ETLS) teacher training. It speaks of the wholeness, completeness and peace that comes to us in true Christian community. It speaks to us of the coming of Shalom at Christmas. It is the gift we have to offer to the world because of what Christ has done.”

Juliet Galiwango, NHI National Director, Uganda

“On a personal basis, the ETLS training has had a great impact on my life, my profession, my faith and my ministry! The frequent exposure to and the use of Scripture has deepened my understanding and application of God’s Word and has given me a big opportunity to mentor many teachers and leaders in Uganda and Kenya.”

“I have never had such training in my 15 years as a teacher and leader.”

— Pastor Lawrence, Remnant Christian School, Uganda

ETLS is made of three courses each building upon the other

Series 1 covers such topics as: 

  • What is a Christian School?,  

  • Called to serve in a Christian school. 

  • What is a Shalom community?  

  • What does it mean to live in a world of stories?

Series 2 builds on Series 1 by examining how the uniqueness of each student, brain theory and an understanding of growth mindsets impacts the classroom. It also includes practical topics such as effective use of digital technology, assessment for learning and lesson planning.

Series 3, ‘Implementing an Effective Curriculum’, builds on the first two series and unpacks how Christian curriculum is shaped by God’s story. 

Using a train-the-trainer approach, ETLS is now being used effectively to train teachers in many parts of the world, especially in East Africa, West Africa, Indonesia, Pacific Islands. While ETLS training is central to the work of NHI, any teacher training that builds teacher capacity is part of New Hope International’s ministry. The work continues to develop, and flourish in new ways and in new places as God leads