Good News Stories

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A Day in the Life of a student in Uganda

A school in Uganda has produced this stunning 14 minute video on a day in the life of a student at Remnant Christian School, Uganda. We are so thrilled to be able to share it with you

Asa Baru Indonesia

New Hope International in Indonesia has been in the business of transforming teachers, schools and communities through ETLS training over many years. Enjoy this short video celebrating their vital work. You may wish to follow via their Instagram page: Asa Baru Indonesia and via their webpage Asa Baru Indonesia

Transformational Teacher Training in Uganda

The Effective Teaching and Learning Series (ETLS) teacher training course has been transformational for educators in many parts of the world with teachers and school leaders learning what it is to teach excellently from a biblical world view.

Read more good news stories via Christian Schools Global Connect