About our Work | Leadership Training

Leadership Training

The course encourages participants to reflection on Biblical examples of leadership, good and bad, as well as on themselves as leaders, including their preferred leadership style. Christ is upheld as the perfect example of servant leadership. There are practical tips on managing the management and administrative tasks that are part of leadership roles.

Recognising the importance of effective school leadership, New Hope International also plays a role in mentoring and supporting Christian school leaders, especially in developing countries where resources allow.

NHI’s Leadership and Management course seeks to answer the following questions from a biblical perspective:

  • What is leadership?

  • What makes a good leader?

  • What is godly leadership?

  • How can I be a Godly leader and display servant leadership in the school?

  • How do I love the staff/students and families God has given me?

  • What is the difference between leadership and management?

  • What is the structure of leadership in the community in which I work

New Hope International is invested in seeing school leaders flourish. NHI offers Christian leadership training that equips School Principals and leaders to provide leadership that builds schools as shalom learning communities.

“Leadership is a fundamental part of providing excellent Christian education. Schools led well are flourishing, dynamic places to be. Schools that are led well, see staff empowered and released to do their vital work and young lives transformed so that they may take their place in the world.”

— Dr. Daniel Pampuch, CEO Christian Schools Australia